All American Marine - Port of Bellingham


Bellingham, WA

Project Overview:

The Port of Bellingham developed a 57,000 sq foot facility for the marine trades and commerce on the Bellingham Waterfront. The facility is an insulated metal structure with numerous high bay doors for boat manufacturing and transport to other facilities. All American Marine moved to this facility and was able to expand its manufacturing of aluminum boats.

Services Provided:

GeoTest provided air barrier testing to confirm conformance with Washington State’s Energy Code requirements. A structure of this size and configuration presents a challenge for the sealing and preparation of the high bay door openings for accurate air barrier testing. Numerous high power 8,000 CFM fans were utilized to accommodate the large building volume and the facility met the required air leakage criteria.


Port of Bellingham

Project Cost:

$10 Million

Contact Geotest

Geotest welcomes the opportunity to become a part of your team and build the success of your company. We provide Construction Special Inspection and Materials Testing Services throughout Northwest Washington. Our Geotechnical Engineering Department and Environmental team can provide services in Washington State and Oregon.

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